Youth Resources
FYI has programs and resources for foster youth, youth experiencing or at risk of homelessness, and other youth who have immediate needs.
Programs and Services
FYI offers a variety of programs and services for youth:
Substance Use Education
Substance use education courses for youth, Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) and Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
Self-Sufficiency Support
Chafee Program for Foster Youth
Youth Case Management
Transitional Living Program
Monthly Gatherings
Outreach events to connect with youth in need of our programs and services
Basic Needs Assistance
Housing assistance
Emergency Shelter
Homelessness Prevention & Intervention
Education Assistance
GED prep
Assistance with staying in school
Resource Hub and Closet
FYI keeps some basic needs materials on hand, including items like sleeping bags, backpacks, sanitary products, and more.
Eligibility And Details
Our programs are for many different kinds of young people, including youth with a past or current foster youth status, any runaway youth or youth at risk of homelessness, and youth experiencing immediate needs (in need of things like food, emergency shelter, sleeping bag, etc.)
I'm looking for more information on Towards No Drug Abuse (TND) or Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT). Who do I contact?For the TND and MRT classes, contact Elisia Parham at elisia.parham@state.co.us
I'm worried about the safety of a youth I know. Should I contact you?If it is a question of the youth safety, please call the child welfare hotline at 844-Co-4-Kids
I'm interested in learning more. How do I get in touch?Reach out to James Fenwick at james.fenwick@state.co.us or contact us through the form at the bottom of this page.
I'm 20 years old. Do I still qualify for any of your programs?Most of our programs and funding sources support youth up to their 21st birthday. Reach out to James Fenwick at james.fenwick@state.co.us for more details.
What will I be doing in the program?Although Community Partnership for Families is a voluntary program, it will require your active participation in establishing goals and working to achieve those goals. FYI's staff will assist by supporting your efforts and meeting on a regular basis to encourage and connect you with the resources you need to be successful.
Can my family participate without a referral?It depends, though almost all families participating were referred to the program through Chaffee County Child Protection Services or other community organizations. For more information, contact Donna Golden at donna.golden@state.co.us
How often does Youth In Action meet?Once a week during the school year, Mondays in BV and Tuesdays in Salida
How is Youth In Action funded?Youth In Action is funded through a number of different sources. Prevention work is important to our local county government, which supports our program. Many of the dollars for direct program operations come from grants and community donations.
What do matches do when they meet?Matches have the ability to determine what they want to do when they meet, and it can vary from week to week. Some examples of match activities include; hiking, biking, cooking, baking, arts and crafts, fishing, stand up paddle boarding, rock climbing, reading, watching movies, gardening, reading, lawn games, etc. You get the idea; the sky is the limit!
How often do matches meet?Matches are encouraged to meet once a week for two to three hours on average.
How are Chaffee County Mentors funded?Prevention work is important to our local government too, which therefore supports our program. Many of the dollars for program operations come from grants and community donations.
I want a mentor. How do I apply?Just fill out the Mentee Application Form and someone will reach out to you! If you want to nominate a youth to be paired with a mentor, fill out the Mentee Nomination Form.
I'm in! How do I apply?Fill out a Mentor Application Form, and send the Mentor Reference Form out to three references!
What if I’m a mentor and am going to be gone for a couple of weeks?For prolonged time away, program staff can jump in and spend time with your mentee-remember, we like to think young people are fun to hang out with too! Also, thanks to technology, even when you are away for an extended time, you can still maintain contact.
I'm in middle school. Can I join a teen council?Unfortunately, at the moment we do not have a middle school council. Feel free to still reach out, and we will make sure to get you connected to a teen council when you begin high school!
How does a teen join the youth council in Salida or BV?Simply come to one of the standing meetings 1x week at the Salida or Buena Vista High School - always accepting new members. Contact: Dibby Olson, dolson@chaffeecounty.org
What is your focus as a coalition?Our focus is on promoting youth health in Chaffee County, particularly "upstream" prevention efforts. Much of the focus in the past six years has been on addressing statistically high rates of underage substance use.
Can I join CCYA?As a community-based coalition, CCYA is open to anyone from the community who wants to participate. Reach out to us through the contact form below, and we can get you connected.
Where do you meet, and how often?CCYA alternates meetings between Salida and Buena Vista, meeting every other month.
Want to meet someone in person to talk about the programs or resources available?
Join us at one of our free and public youth outreach events.

Every month we hold youth outreach events. Anyone is welcome to join!
For more information about resources and services available, please reach out to
James Fenwick at james.fenwick@state.co.us or send us a message below.