Frequently Asked Questions
Q) What do your programs cost participants?
A) Time, energy, and authentic engagement! We do not charge participants money to engage in our programs.
Q) How are you programs funded?
A) We are funded by generous local sponsors, Chaffee County Human Services, Chaffee County Marijuana Excise Tax Advisory Board, Colorado Office of Behavioral Health, Colorado Department of Transportation, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Colorado Department of Early Childhood, and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
Q) Are organizations like FYI really needed in rural areas?
A) Yes. Our job is to support youth and families to thrive. We have youth and families in rural areas.
Q) Can you tell me about xyz youth or parent/caregiver? They are my neighbor and I am worried about them.
A) No. All our services and supports are confidential.
Q) Can you open a child neglect or abuse case on a family?
A) No. We are not the child welfare department. One of FYI's focuses is to prevent child abuse and neglect. If abuse or neglect has already occurred that is for the child welfare team.
If you are witnessing a youth in a life-threatening emergency call 911. If you are concerned about child abuse or neglect call 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437).
Q) How can I support FYI?
A) If you are able to donate money please use our 'Donate Now' button on the bottom of the page. If you are able to volunteer time please contact Andrea Schulz-Ward at award@chaffeecounty.org. We have a wide variety of volunteer positions that include direct support to youth, class facilitation, and advocacy opportunities.
Q) I have another question. Who do I ask?
A) Reach out to Andrea Schulz-Ward at award@chaffeecounty.org