Community Resource Hub
A partnership of HRRMC, Dept. Public Health, Solvista Health, Dept. Human Services and the Colorado Network of Health Alliances.
The new Chaffee Resources website at www.chaffeeresources.com is the most up-to-date place to find Chaffee County’s Health and Wellness services. Here you can find resources for yourself, your clients and help community members who need services to find the services you offer. It’s also quick and easy to add your services to the list.
Mental Health
The Teen Wellness Voucher developed by the Extraordinary Teen Council and Solvista Health provides up to 2 FREE 1 hour professional counseling sessions. There are supplemental funds available if financial assistance is needed after the first free visits. Download this PDF file to print and distribute as needed.
TeenWellnessVoucher front and back
What to Expect: Texting with Crisis Services
The Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) has created a short video explaining what to expect when reaching out to the Colorado Crisis Services hotline via text. The video is intended for youth audiences, but is a useful resource for anyone wondering what it is like when they text the word TALK to 38255. The short answer is that they will have a free and confidential conversation with a live, trained clinician who can provide support and resources no matter what the situation or time of day.
Proven ways for parents to help kids grow and maintain strong families
Substance Use Prevention
Talk. They Hear You. – Resources including an app to support you in talking to youth about the dangers of drinking alcohol at a young age.
I Rise Above – Website designed by youth for Substance Free Living
Rise Above Colorado – Facebook page
Lynn Reimer Handout on Substance Use Trends pt. 1
Lynn Reimer Handout on Substance Use Trends pt. 2
Child Abuse Prevention