Craig Bingham
Coalition Coordinator for CCYA
Craig joined the FYI team in June of 2022. In the years before joining FYI, Craig had a number of diverse education and work experiences. Interested in the deeper questions of life, he studied philosophy at Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, and spent some years working with young adults with developmental disabilities. He lived in and traveled through Central America and parts of Europe, learning Spanish and experiencing life in diverse cultural contexts.
During the Covid pandemic in 2020 Craig moved to Salida, and grew to love the community and the Upper Arkansas Valley. He is now excited to put his skills to work with the CCYA coalition helping facilitate community building and prevention initiatives to address youth substance abuse in Chaffee County. When not in the office, you can find Craig in his natural habitat, roaming the trails and mountain hillsides around town with a running pack and a general idea of where he is headed. If you want to learn more about the Chaffee County Youth Alliance, get involved with local prevention efforts, or just want to have a wide-ranging conversation over coffee, you can reach Craig at:
(719) 530-2575